Covid-19 : Life and Hypocrisy

It baffles me when Citizens behaves like Nation wreckers. We were all aware the reason why the lockdown was imposed. Just to restrict movement and spread of the virus. In the sphere to protect our own lives, some individuals were heard calling in the President to lift  the ban on the lockdown because, they are starving, their businesses are going down, their freedom of movements are restricted. They viewed the PERSON who had the passion to protect our LIVES as an obstacle to their LIFE hence, the ban on the Lockdown was lifted. Our Lives have been given back to us. Meaning Our  own Lives are in our Hands now. It should be a joy or?

Same individuals, I don't know whether to call them Spectators or Nation wreckers, are now blaming the President for lifting the ban, using abusive words, seeing him as the cause of the virus. Let's not forget it is our own life. Life is more valuable than any other thing on this planet. To those blaming the President of lifting the ban, don't forget that, the President doesn't manufacture Lives and hence you must protect your own life.  It's your life, it's my Life and Life has no spare.

This  is very logical and let's wide up our scope. This is a Pandemic and the unnecessary criticisms may amount to our own downfall.
This is the period when we should seek each other's views and help one another to find an appropriate solution to protect our Life.

Let's do the needful while we live. ✊🏻


  1. Nice Piece
    God bless you Honorable.

  2. Very Wonderful work.

  3. Can you blame us? Those who have a secured source of income even during the lockdown I'm sure wouldn't mind if it's extended. But there was another group called The ✋ to mouth, they I'm sure we're the ones complaining that the lockdown should be lifted. So it depends which category you find yourself


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