Fake Promises and Money can't Buy our Votes

We are on the way towards our University Elections and some key things need to be noted as elites before we omit some fallacy. There were days when these fake promises offered some respite to the locals at least till the elections, but not anymore. It is no surprise that the candidates often try to buy votes from this underprivileged group by providing them food, drinks and money. Though that might have solved their problems for a while, the candidates could never bring a long-term solution to the problems of the Students. According to my research, inside the *University Of Education Winneba,* if the candidate had only fulfilled some of their promises this Diaspora would have been different. *"Despite numerous claims and assurances, our miseries are still unheard and untouched,"* Akuma Benedicta. Some candidates even go ahead to sabotage their colleagues, writing articles against some key members. Locals of this University accuse the candidates of using them j...