Safety Campus Tips
These campus safety tips are a must-read for every college and university student. And soon-to-be students. And probably their parents too. Every single college and university goes to great lengths to protect its students. The most visible reminder of that is usually the campus police force or security staff, but that's really just the beginning of most college safety measures. Building/dorm security systems, call boxes in parking lots, campus escort services, and other student protections are commonplace. Actually, college campuses tend to be safer, on average, than the average given town or city. So let that soothe your mind if you’re worried about staying safe on campus! However, even though all these campus security precautions are great, it’s important to remember that campus safety is also a personal responsibility . Sarah Brown, a 2016 University of Utah graduate now working as a safety expert for SafeWise, on online security resource, says every student should give s...