
Showing posts from 2018

The Leader of Excellence

Every individual is a leader but not in every aspect,your performance as a leader may be different from performing in a different discourse. you may be poor in leading an institution but very good in leading a war. Note that, to lead bigger congregation you should perform excellently when called to lead a smaller discourse.  Leadership  is the action of leading people in an organization towards achieving goals.  Leaders  do this by influencing employee behaviors in several ways. A  leader  sets a clear vision for the organization, motivates employees, guides employees through the work process and builds morale. Setting a clear vision  means influencing employees to understand and accept the future state of the organization. A unit of young soldiers may not believe in a particular mission ordered by their commanding officer. A good leader will influence the soldiers to perform their duties by explaining the vision and the importance of thei...

African Leadership, Poverty and The Mass.

In Our Diaspora, Africa as a whole got that Cognizance and are capable of "giving the sack to the walking paper" all forms of indigence. When we talk of Technology tody, we all point at America, Japan, China etc. When we talk about money, we always point at the so called Developed Countries. Most people from Africa precisely Ghana are on the verge of loosing their lives all in the name of Money, they travel abroad in search for jobs. Some fight and fight so hard to acquire visa to those Developed Countries. But instead of asking ourselves, how come those Countries are more Developed than the Countries in Africa, we don't think about that. We only focus on the ultimate aim. Some Africans who succeed by getting such a Visa to those Developed Countries, some end up being slaves, some are deceived and are used for Sex Machines, the Life of some become miserable and would have wished to return Home, but Had I know is always at Last. Only few out of this most succeed but they...

ANAS #NUMBER 12 : Leadership In Tertiary Institutions must not be c........

The level of corruption in Ghana and Africa as a whole is nothing to write Home about. There's nothing Unique about the nature of corruption in our diaspora. Everyday you would hear people saying that, "corruption is too much, Ghana is corrupt, our Ministers are corrupt, we are suffering because of corruption, they are stealing us" and many more. What we should always think in mind is that, those Officials claimed to be corrupt didn't start from there, but it was from the infancy. Yes, I mean infancy in the sense that, when you go to almost all the Tertiary institutions in Ghana now, you would hear the majority of the students complaining that their Student Representative Council (SRC) Presidents are Rogues and corrupt. False campaign promises, and after they get access to power, they don't think of the welfare of Students but rather think of how to spend. SRC PRESIDENTS of some Tertiary Institutions in Ghana only focus on "Create, Loot and Share"  W...

UEW failed to.....

The University of Education Winneba since established has various campuses comprising ; Adjumako, Kumasi, Mampong etc. And the main campus situated in Winneba. The Kumasi campus holds programs offered in Business Education and Information Technology Education. The Adjumako campus holds some programs in Languages and among others. The Main Campus in Winneba, offers BBA( School Of Business),  Humanities Education, Information and Communication Technology Education, Sciences and Social science Education. What's is the University failing here? Currently its vision statements states   "To train competent professional teachers for all levels of education as well as conduct research, disseminate knowledge and contribute to educational policy and development".  But the University is failing in the vision statement, because currently the School Of Business is situated in the main Winneba campus and they are not trained to become Teachers but Bankers, accountants, marketer,...

Safety Campus Tips

These campus safety tips are a must-read for every college and university student. And soon-to-be students. And probably their parents too. Every single college and university goes to great lengths to protect its students. The most visible reminder of that is usually the campus police force or security staff, but that's really just the beginning of most college safety measures. Building/dorm security systems, call boxes in parking lots, campus escort services, and other student protections are commonplace. Actually, college campuses tend to be safer, on average, than the average given town or city. So let that soothe your mind if you’re worried about staying safe on campus! However, even though all these campus security precautions are great, it’s important to remember that campus safety is also a personal responsibility . Sarah Brown, a 2016 University of Utah graduate now working as a safety expert for SafeWise, on online security resource, says every student should give s...

How to promote one's Health

Health promotion enables people to increase control over their own health. It covers a wide range of social and environmental interventions that are designed to benefit and protect individual people’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not just focusing on treatment and cure. There are 3 key elements of health promotion:   1. Good governance for health Health promotion requires policy makers across all government departments to make health a central line of government policy. This means they must factor health implications into all the decisions they take, and prioritize policies that prevent people from becoming ill and protect them from injuries. These policies must be supported by regulations that match private sector incentives with public health goals. For example, by aligning tax policies on unhealthy or harmful products such as alcohol, tobacco, and food products which are high in salt, sugars and fat with measur...

Fake Promises and Money can't Buy our Votes

We are  on the way towards our University Elections and some key things need to be noted as elites before we omit some fallacy. There were days when these fake promises offered some respite to the locals at least till the elections, but not anymore. It is no surprise that the candidates often try to buy votes from this underprivileged group by providing them food, drinks and money. Though that might have solved their problems for a while, the candidates could never bring a long-term solution to the problems of the Students. According to my research, inside the *University Of Education Winneba,* if the candidate had only fulfilled some of their promises this Diaspora would have been different. *"Despite numerous claims and assurances, our miseries are still unheard and untouched,"* Akuma Benedicta. Some candidates even go ahead to sabotage their colleagues, writing articles against some key members.  Locals of this University accuse the candidates of using them j...